I said NO!

I can still hear the cries for help coming from the apartment of Glassy Eyes McGee and his wife Frogmouse. Her Pay-per-view porn addiction was tearing their marriage apart. Sure, in the beginning it was simple girl on girl prison soft porn, but as the days and months went by she would stay up all night watching frog smut, campy politically driven super porn and in the end, the most troubling cry for help of them all "The One Tape" (aka Back Door Sluts 9). Eventually he flew into a rage, throwing the TV into the wall screaming "No Moar!". He then turned on her. She squeak/croaked her last squeak/croak at 2:28am, Tuesday the 22nd of January, 1989. She will be missed.

...or someone needs to figure out some better subject matter before flinging useless mind numbing clipart upon the world. Fuck.


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